
The new cannabis legislation provides several licensing pathways dependent on the type of cannabis product you intend to produce, distribute or export from the island.

For an overview of the licences types available, please click here.

Information on each license type is provided under each sub headers, including:

- Guidance – outlines the regulations, requirements and policies for each license. Please review thoroughly to ensure your plans align.

- Application forms - The specific application forms to submit for each license type. Forms should be completed in full with accurate information.

- At a Glance - Concise overview of key details including fees for each license route. Use these for a quick reference.

- Application Schedule - The regulatory body has provided checklist templates of required information to include in your business plan for each license type. 

There are also sub headers for Integrity Guidance and IOM Fee Cap. Integrity guidance outlines the GSC expectations and processes for applications, amendment's and renewals. The IOM fee cap provides a guide to calculating cannabis licensing fees.  

We encourage thoroughly reviewing the licensing guidance to choose the appropriate pathway for your specific cannabis business goals.

Please direct any questions regarding regulations to as you prepare your business plans. For any new business inquiries, please contact the Department for Enterprise at Adhering to all regulations will facilitate the application process and make the approval process more efficient.