Prominent white governmental building  Situated in the center of city surrounded by other buildings and active sidewalks

Legislation and Regulations

Cannabis businesses operating on the Isle of Man must adhere to a rigorous regulatory framework. A variety of national and local laws and statutes govern all controlled substances activities.

Legislation that must be considered and complied with includes::

- Acts outlining general drug policy and offences such as the Misuse of Drugs Act

- Regulations established by regulatory bodies expanding on allowed/prohibited activities, security requirements, licenses and approvals

- Local planning rules affecting facility development and standards

The legislation listed below outlines some of the core Acts, Regulations and Orders that shape the medical cannabis sector on the Isle of Man. Applicants must know and plan to meet all obligations specified within:

Compliance with applicable laws is strictly enforced. Only businesses with proper licensing and operating procedures in place will be considered for approval. Regulated cannabis activities in the Isle of Man aim to balance medical and scientific progress with public safety.